Players Manual
Deon Rocha – Strength & Conditioning Coach
The following Off Season Programming is designed to improve your strength, power and sport specific capacities over the course of 5 months. The workouts are designed to be completed with minimal equipment and can be completed with at-home set ups or at a weight room. The workouts will start general and then increase in specificity as we progress through the phases.
Off Season program delivery will be done entirely through the 2020 London Beefeaters FB Group. You will be able to access:
1) This player manual
2) The workout plan (each phase will be uploaded about a week before it begins)
3) Instructional videos on each exercise (there will be in depth tutorials on how to perform the exercises as well as quick reference exercise demos in a folder titled Off Season Tutorials 2020-2021 in the Files section of the FB Group)
The Off Season Program is split into 3 distinct phases;
Phase 1 - Anatomical Adaptation/Movement Phase
Phase 2- Max Strength Phase
Phase 3- Power/Sport Specific Phase
Phase 1 - Anatomical Adaptation/Movement Phase
The primary goals of Phase 1 include improving movement quality and preparing the muscles and tendons for heavier loads in next following phase. If you are a sports car, you can think of this phase as strengthening the chassis, your suspension, and aligning your wheels. This will be achieved by slower tempos, pause reps, and lighter to moderate weights. Form and tempo is KEY, so I encourage sending me ‘form check’ videos via FB Messenger so I can see how you’re doing.
Phase 2 – Strength Phase
The primary goal for this phase is to improve your strength. The stronger you are, the more power you can express in the following phase. In this phase, we’re putting a bigger, faster engine in the sports car. It is essential that you DO NOT SACRIFICE FORM OR TEMPO in the pursuit of heavier weights. If you cannot perform the exercise with perfect form and tempo, you are going too heavy. Check the ego at the door and focus quality of movement. We will NOT be maxing out, but we will be working with sufficient weight in order to challenge ourselves.
Phase 3- Power/Sport Specific Phase
This is the final phase of the Offseason and will focus on improving your power. Power has two components – weight and speed. Weights will be slightly lower than in Strength Phase so that you can move it quickly. In this phase, we are testing and practicing driving the sports car.
This phase will feature the most specificity regarding position, but expect to see emphasis on acceleration, speed, plyometrics and durability. By the end of the phase, you will peak for May Spring Camp.
May Camp – Date TBA
The three phases will have you peak for Spring Camp in May.
The Workouts
You will have two workouts which you will alternate. For example, on Monday you would complete workout 1, on Tuesday complete workout 2, rest Wednesday, and repeat. Your schedule is up to you, but aim for 4 workouts a week, with 2 rest/active rest days. Do not repeat the same workout two days in a row.
Each workout will consist of:
1) Warm Up/Mobility Component
Treat the Warm Up as a workout, because the quality of the warm up will set up the quality of your workout.
Mobility work does not mean “stretching”; although flexibility is a component, mobility is the ability to move a limb through its full range of motion. Improving your strength and range of motion takes time and can be challenging, but stay consistent and focused and you will see a difference on the field. When performing mobility work, it is important to safely but progressively challenge your range and ability.
2) Workout
Each workout will feature a series of exercises that have specific objectives. The workouts include instruction for the number of sets, reps and tempo. The exercises are arranged in “supersets”.
For example:
Superset A
A1) Barbell Back Squat
4 sets, 6 reps, 3211
A2) Wall External Rotations
3 sets, 10 reps, 3 second pause at end range
Rest 60s
Superset B
B1) Split Squat
3 sets, 8 reps each leg, 2211
B2) Band of Cable Palloff Press
3 sets, 10 reps, 1012
Rest 60s
To begin this workout, you would start at A1) Back Squat. Complete 6 reps, at a 3211 tempo. Then, you would move immediately to exercise A2) and complete 10 reps for the prescribed tempo. You would then rest for 60s and go back to A1) for the start of your second set, and continue until you have completed all prescribed sets. You would then move on to Superset B and follow the same format.
The numbers you see after the prescribed reps is the tempo.
For example: Squat, 4 reps, 3211
The first number is the amount of seconds for the lowering phase. The second number is how many seconds you spend in the bottom. The third number is the amount of seconds for the lift phase. The fourth number is the amount of seconds at the top.
For a 3211 Squat, you would lower down for 3 seconds, pause for 2, come up for 1 and pause for 1 second at the top.
Tracking your workouts is essential for 2 reasons
1) It allows you to safely and efficiently progress
2) It gives me information to help guide you
Download the workout, print off the sheet and record the weights you use in the columns. Add in any and all comments that you think are relevant (“my right knee is sore, weight felt easy etc”).
Final Notes
Gentlemen, it is a long offseason, but we’re committed. Championships are won and lost in this period.
Focus on getting a little better each workout.
I want to see a TON of engagement on the FB group. Hitting a PR on the squat? Post the video on FB. Get some great range and control with the RDL? We want to see it.
Before you critique someone else's performance, put your evidence on display for the group! Two things we know for certain -- Film doesn't lie, and your numbers won't either!
There is nothing more motivating than seeing your team mates getting after it.
If you have questions, post them directly to the FB group or message me through messenger.
Deon Rocha